Издательско-библиотечный комплекс

Уральский государственный университет путей сообщения

Ural State University of Railway Transport

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Conditions of articles publication in the journal “Innotrans”

An author providing an article for publication in the journal thus expresses consent to publish the full text on the official websites of Scientific electronic library, “Innotrans” and in the Internet.

General requirements to publications

Scientific article

In an introductory part there must be justified relevance and theme development expediency (scientific problems or goals). In the main body of an article by information analysis and synthesis it is necessary to develop research problems, ways of solution, possible results justification, their reliability. In the final part it is necessary to summarize the results, draw the conclusions, recommendations and indicate the possible directions of future researches.

Survey article

In the survey there should be analyzed, compared the most important and perspective directions of science and practice development, its separate kinds of activity, notions and events. The text should have a problem, show different views on scientific and practical knowledge development; contain summarized data, analysis, synthetics, conclusions.

Technical requirements and recommendations for the articles

  1. The publication consists of the following elements:
    • UDC;
    • full name(s) of the author(s);
    • title of the article;
    • abstract;
    • key words;
    • text of the article;
    • reference list;
    • information about the author(s): the place of work (study), academic degree, academic rank, position, address, telephone number, e-mail;
    • portrait photo of the author (authors) (submitted as separate file, in color, of high quality, in the following formats: * .jpg (200 KB), * .tif (1 Mb)).
  2. Materials are to be prepared in Microsoft Office Word 2003, 2007. Filename of the article is made up of the surnames of the author(s) and the first two or three words of the article title, for example: "Ivanov, Petrova. Open-cut transport.doc"
  3. The article volume should not exceed 10 pages.
  4. Reference list is to be placed at the end of the article after the subheading and shall be drawn up in accordance with State Standard 7.0.5-2008 "Reference list. General requirements and rules." The references in the text should be enclosed in square brackets ([3], [3, 4], [3-7]).
  5. Requirements to page layout and text formatting. Page margins - 2 cm on each side of the page. Pages should be without numbering. The text of the article: font Times New Roman, size 14; 1.5 line spacing; justified alignment; first line indent of 1.25 cm; automatic hyphenation. Simple formulas and combinations of characters are typed in text mode, complex - using Microsoft Equation formula editor or MathType and are located on the page. Writing letters: Russian and Greek letters as well as numbers and functions are written only in direct lettering; Roman letters - only in italics.
  6. Figures and tables. Tables should be provided with headings, and figures with captions. Auxiliary words "Table" and "Fig." with an order number are typed in italics. Location of headers: the word "Table" - to the right edge of the table; the name of the table – direct lettering, centered over the table. In figures (charts and graphics), the word "Fig." and the caption are centered below the figure set. Location of tables and figures - after the reference to them. Symbols in the figures and tables, if they exist, should be explained in the caption or in the body of the article.
  7. Illustrations. Color and black and white (no color) illustrations are accepted as separate files in formats * .jpg (300 KB), * .tif, * .bmp (2 MB). Use of images taken from the Internet, size 5-100 KB, and scanned versions of poor quality is unacceptable.
  8. Charts, diagrams, and tables can be presented in formats MS Excel, MS Visio, MS Word (grouped). The preference is given to the source files that allow editing of the images. Images are allowed to be converted into formats * .cdr, * .cmx, * .eps, * .ai, * .wmf, * .cgm, * .dwg.